Career Wizard® compares your answers with responses from 150,000 other Australians aged 14 and over to reveal what people like you do for a living. Find out more »
Career Wizard is a test that asks 78 questions related to life goals, attitudes, activities, education level, postcode, age and gender. It is simple to take, interesting and takes around 4 minutes to complete.
The question that Career Wizard seeks to answer is “what do people like me do for a living?”
When you complete the test questions Career Wizard compares your characteristics to occupation and industry norms to determine which are your best fit. Career Wizard ranks the 10 occupations that are a DNA match for you.
In addition, Career Wizard will provide a Satisfaction Rating, National Salary Average, and Industry Demand for your top career match.
Career and industry data, job satisfaction rates, and average income levels are derived from an accumulated 150,000 strong Roy Morgan Research Centre database. Job demand and education pathways are is derived from credible sources such as and and kept up-to-date in real time.
We can still help you to choose a career! Select a career for yourself and we'll show you the way there. But if you're unsure, the wizard will always be there to give you a nudge in the right direction!
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